Bidirectional Shared Folders?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Atomic_Fusion, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Atomic_Fusion

    Atomic_Fusion Hunter

    Is there any way i could setup the Shared Folders to be bidirectional, so that I could browse the VM's Shared Folders or networked folders from OS X? If not the Shared Folders, perhaps another way?
  2. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    do you mean mapping a share from windows to OSX ? (sorry if i'm just suffering from midmorning brainache and didnt understand the original question properly ;) )
  3. Atomic_Fusion

    Atomic_Fusion Hunter

    Yes, if that is what "mapping" means. Also I've got a printer with Windows only support, and I wonder if there is any way that I can use that printer via networking or something from my Macbook Pro.
  4. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    A quick overview.. (google should be able to help out with specifics if you dont exactly know how to do each step..)

    Connecting to windows shares:
    In windows, share the folder you wish to connect to.
    In OSX, select Go > Connect to server from within the Finder menu
    enter the server address as smb://<ip of your windows machine>/<sharename you specified whensetting up the share in windows>

    example: smb://
    assuming my windows VM has the IP and i gave the share the name testshare when settingup the folder for sharing.

    If asked for your username and password, use the username and password you log into windows with.

    Connecting to a windows printer:

    In the printers window, right click the printer and under sharing, set it up for sharing.

    in osx printer setup utility, under the default browser tab, select 'more printers' and under windows printing you should be able to navigate the network neighbourhood to find your PC and then find its shared printer. You can try using the generic driver in OSX to print, but I suspect you will need to find an OSX driver for it to work properly.

    Hope this helps
  5. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    mac users expect all this to be automated

    Hugh W
  6. BillInSoBe

    BillInSoBe Member

    Correct :) I think he'd like to be able to access the Windows Drive from Mac OS and Mac OS Drive from Windows without creating shares and mapping drives.

    The current implementation allows you access to the Mac OS (via Shared Folders) via Windows, however it doesn't allow access to the Windows Hard Drive from Mac OS.
  7. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    But we're dealing with Windows here. It really isn't Windows apps running on a Mac, it's Windows and Mac running on the same box but still as two different computers.

    Realistic expectations make for a better life.

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