Better user authentication monitoring.

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server Feature Suggestions' started by RunarV, Feb 18, 2025.

  1. RunarV

    RunarV Bit poster

    Better user authentication monitoring.
    We are missing a good overview of user authentications.
    Per now, the Settings Audit is a great tool to see settings and changes in RAS management, but we are missing a good monitor for user authentications.
    This could be a separate list from the sessions list, that lists actual RDSH Sessions.
    We are missing information like:

    -Timestamp for authentication event
    -login successful (yes/No)
    -login note: (unknown user, wrong password, failed MFA, SAML Mismatch)
    -username (could be a user, wronfully spelled username, SAML Claim user, or bruteforce attack user attempted)
    -matched username (preferably upn) from AD (Actual match for username
    -Full name from AD Match
    -client type (SAML. AD, AD+RADIUS MFAetc.)
    -Login / End user Source IP
    -Login / End user Source Country
    -RAS Gateway Server
    -Enrollment Server
    -Enrollment Server token
    -Enrollment Server token lifetime

    This would help us with
    1. Supporting customer when login failed, wrong username, wrong saml user, mismatch saml/ad user etc.
    2. let us see all bruteforce login attempts, for operational security
    3. Get a better view of authentication in stead of having to download logs and parse through text files.

    As a contrast, here is the login attempts seen from our RADIUS/MFA:

    A lot of bruteforce attempt is happening, but nothing is seen in RAS.

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