All: Beta4 has solved all the networking problems I've encountered so far. My configuration - MacbookPro / dual core 2.1Ghz / 2G RAM My (previous) problem : XP w/SP2 wouldn't consistently recognize the network interface, even when Parallel Tools was installed (this under beta3). When I installed beta4 and attempted to run my XP VM, I still was having problems (no interface was showing up in the Network Connections Control Panel). So I simply re-installed XP from scratch under beta4. Now I'm watching the WIndows Updates come pouring in ... (i'm on 27 of 41). As if I needed a reminder of why I'm a MacPerson GREAT job to the Parallels folks ... I'm definitely pre-ordering as soon as I can figure out how to pay with a PO. Charlie
It seems we've traded networking situations. I had a good network connection on my MBP with Wifi in Beta 3. I resintalled XP under beta 4. Now I'm lucky to keep a network connection for 5 minutes. Very frustrating.
Could you try please to remove NIC from your VM configuration, save, add new NIC, save again and start VM? Does it help?
I was one of the people complaining in this forum about issues with DHCP when bridged to en1 (wireless). I just did as Andrew suggested -- removed the NIC from the VM config, saved my config with no NIC defined, re-added the NIC and then saved my config again. So far at least, with my home DHCP setup, I seem to be able to suspend and resume the VM and NOT see loss of network access. I tried both Firefox and IE over a period of several minutes and the network seemed to remain available. When I get to the office tomorrow, I will try this same sequence and hopefully still have DHCP that survives suspend and resumes. I expect that I will have to reset DHCP using ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew for the initial time I resume the VM. But if the new settings, once acquired, survive suspend and resumes, I would say beta 4 makes my Parallels life distinctly more pleasant.