Beta3: Airport doesn´t work in OS X while runnin VM

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by kabell, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. kabell

    kabell Bit poster

    I'm on a MacBook Pro 2.0MHz, I run Parallel Workstation 2.1 Beta3. This is a fantastic product, an I look so much forward to the final version.

    I have an issue now though.

    When I boot Windows XP, networking via Airport works fine from within XP, but it stops working in OS X. When I shut down XP, Airport starts working again in OS X. Any way to have internet (that is: Airport) work in both OSes side by side? I prefer to have iTunes playing some nice streaming radio, MSN Messenger to be logged on in OS X and to have mail check my mail etc.

    Also, another important thing for me. Is it true, that when I have created a virtual machine with XP, I will never have to "re-format" or "re-install" XP due to upgrades from Parallel? (I understand that with windoze you never know when it will be time for the next re-install...) That is, can I now see my VM as "my machine", and will it work and boot under any future releases of the Workstation software?

    Thanks in advance

    - Kabell
  2. brettw

    brettw Member

    a couple things to look at ...

    -compare the IP addresses of the VM vs. the host machine
    -compare the mac addresses of the VM vs. the host machine

    they sould all be unique .... it sounds like there is a duplicate in one of the above.

    you can see this in XP by running a command window and typing " ipconfig /all "

    you can see this in OS X by opening a terminal session and typing " ifconfig -a " and look at the en1 params e.g.:

    inet6 fe80::216:cbff:fe07:7652%en1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
    inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
    ether 00:16:cb:07:76:52
    media: autoselect status: active
    supported media: autoselect
  3. kabell

    kabell Bit poster

    Thanks! I checked, and the IP´s are the same.

    How can I make XP get another IP? Everything, both in OS X and XP is assigned with DHCP, so I guess I should configure it myself - but how? I´m logging onto a router with quite a lot of users, so I can´t really mess with the DHCP-server.

    Any ideas?
  4. kabell

    kabell Bit poster

    Bump. I would be very happy if somebody had a suggestion for a solution on this.

    - Jeppe
  5. dhjdhj

    dhjdhj Hunter

    If you've no control over the DHCP, do a broadcast ping to see what addresses have in fact been allocated by it - then try setting your VM to some unused address, well away from the range of addresses that your DHCP server is using - that should be enough to at least see if there's a problem.
    I've been using a Mac Book Pro with airport and XP on the VM with no problems.

  6. kabell

    kabell Bit poster

    Thanks, things are working for me again. It seems to be a router issue, one router will not assign two IP's to me but give me the same and thereby causing the conflict (and it do it consistently), while another router, which happens to be a Linksys, happily gives me two IP's. So now everything is working fine, even sharing of files between OS X and XP. Amazing package.

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