running beta 6 with winamp, streaming radio, for fun. Lasts about 20 minutes or so then just cuts off. Won't run local mp3 either. Didn't have these issues in beta 5. xp tablet edition 512mb setup. anyone else have something similar? will try on pro and home as well.
I'm having the same thing when I run Slingplayer on XP under Parallels - it works fine for 20 minutes or so, but then the sound blanks out for 3-5 seconds at a time, then comes back. Sometimes it blanks out again quickly, at other times it continues fine for quite a while. I have a 20" iMac with 2gb - 720mb allocated to the VM David
I seem to be having the reverse problem. I am having intermittent sound problems in OS X since installing beta 6. Sound will cut out on some apps (QT, Flash, iChat) but works perfectly in parallels XP image.
Cannot even get the sound drivers installed at all. I get an error during installation with an invalid data message. Where are the Sound Drivers located? I have installed the Parallel Tools but no Sound driver directory can be found under the tools. I pointed my Windows to the parent directory and it found some Intel driver that gave me an error when trying to install. Can you guys help. You sound like you at least passed this stage. Thanks.