SOLVED: Being able to boot Linux AND Windows physical installs with Parallels Hi All, Having gone through a pretty steep (to say the least) learning curve in what to do and what not to do when partitioning and playing with GPT and MBR, I now have a triple booting system using rEFIt and I even have my Windows install booting in Parallels (using Boot Camp;disk0s4 method). The problem I have now is getting my Linux installation to play nicely with the setup. If I produce a virtual machine using disk0s3 as the only disk, I get a message about there being no operating system on the virtual machine. And I even figured out why. In MBR partition schemes, you can only have one active partition. In this case the active partition is the 4th one for Windows. If I try changing this to the 3rd partition for my Linux install, then I do get a grub error screen - which I am pretty sure I could get going eventually - but in this set up my Windows install wont boot. Although Parallels does a good job of hiding other partitions from the guest OS, it is not quite enough to get me to the point where I can have both physical installs running in Parallels at the same time. Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be worked around? Cheers, Milamber
No worries people - I have got it working now. See my explanation here: