The setup prepared a 7 gig drive with WinXP on it. Is there any way to increase the size of the drive? The My Documents folder that I want to use is huge (lots of pictures) so I'd like to have a drive of 20 G or more. Thanks (and I did search, but badly). fbx
If you did the default install, Parallels set up an "expanding" hard disk for you, so as you add more data, the hard disk grows. See the installation section of the user guide.
An "expanding" disk doesn't add more storage capacity; it simply starts out smaller than the size you configured, and grows up to that size. You can use the image tool to resize the image, but then you need a utility to resize the partition on the disk image -- that's something I don't know how to do.
Search (the one for the forum not the one at the top right of the page) is your friend... there have been a number of questions about this and plenty of good answers so I won't repeat them for you here, try this link for a discussion on this topic.