B4 I upgrade...

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by [email protected], Jun 13, 2007.

  1. tmanwell@yahoo.com

    [email protected] Junior Member

    I am a new purchaser of Parallels (less than 30days ago) and thus have received an invitation to download & use Parallels 3.0.

    I did download it, but looks like I start from scratch with a new install image, rather than simply upgrading what I already have. I assume this also means *re-installing* all of my windows apps.
    Before I go to the trouble...
    The one or 2 things that I regularly use in XP under my current version of Parallels is working FINE.......no fuss, no muss. SHOULD I EVEN BOTHER.......or should I just leave well enough alone? (aka don't fix it if it ain't broke)?

    related question.....I notice that there is an update availble that's less than 3.0 but updated from my current version. Can this update be incorporated on the fly, or does this also result in an entirely new image with having to reload win apps?

    THANKS for your thoughts, and have a great day!

    Tim Manwell
    [email protected]
  2. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    The new version will recognize and upgrade the older version. If you wish to go back to the older version you must make backups of your already created virtual machines as they are modified irreversibly by version 3.0.

    The update to version 2.5 (found with the Update option in Parallels) can be installed in situ and will not modify your virtual machines.
  3. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    Yesterday, I upgraded from 2.5 to 3.4128. It went without a hitch. It upgraded the XP VM and my USB devices still work (Polar iRDA adapter and 4GB memory stick). Bonjour printing still works. Quicken and Polar Protraining SW still work. Internet Explorer and Roboform still work. I have not experienced a kernal panic yet, but I am sure it will come.

    I still recommended that you back up your .hdd and .pvs files.
  4. aidan

    aidan Member

    For sure back up your VMs. I upgraded from 2.5 to 3 and had to downgrade back to 2.5 because stuff that I needed for work which used to run fine under 2.5 stopped working under 3. I'm going to wait until things are patched up before going back to 3.

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