In at least PD9 and prior, with Parallels Tools installed, the cursor was free to move back and forth between Windowed Windows and OS X. Now in PD11 it looks like a CTRL-OPT is required every time you want to move the cursor out of the PD window. Is this true, or am I missing a setting somewhere? Seems like a real regression, as when working in a window you are constantly moving back and forth. Crossed fingers for some new setting I am missing. Edit: Looks like it's only a problem in Windows 10. My Windows 7 VM works as expected. Remains a bummer, and I hope there is a solution, but I am not moving to Win10 for more than testing just yet, so the pain will be mitigated a bit. Thanks! Gordon
Hello, It seems that you're on outdated build of Parallels Desktop 11, please update Parallels Desktop to the latest build 11.1.1 (32312). You can update to the latest build as suggested in this article. Latest version always available here: Please note that Parallels Tools also needs to be updated (Actions > Update Parallels Tools). Please see this article to know more about Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac updates summary.
Paul, I just tried Update again and it still claims I am on the current build, and about claims 11.1.1 (32312).
Please submit a Problem Report ID and provide us the ID number here, to investigate further on this issue.
Will do, probably in the next few days. I have some deadlines looming that I can address in a Win7 VM so that's the focus for the first part of the week. Thanks! Gordon