AutoCAD installation

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by erika2, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. erika2

    erika2 Bit poster

    I have a MacBook Pro. I installed Parallels with little problem, then Windows seven and things are working well.

    I need to install AutoCAD 16 on my box, and when I download the downloader it comes down ok. When I click install it asks if I want to install to C:\AutoDesk - I select ok. The dialog quits and then I'm done - nothing happens. Any thoughts on where this should be installed on my system? Somewhere else on the C drive?

    I have the same issue with AutoDESK inventor also.
  2. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    Make sure that AutoCAD 16 works with DirectX10 and OpenGL 2.1 as they are the highest versions of DirectX and OpenGL supported in Parallels respectively.

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