Area to post Parrell VM's

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by mhjorleifsson, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. mhjorleifsson

    mhjorleifsson Bit poster

    Hey there, as a previous PC and VMWare user I can say from experience that this app is impressive and a great value for the money.. That being said, one of the things that made using VMware palatable was that the community would post or point to downloadable VMs for operating systems and software that allowed that in their license (i.e. a VM preloaded with LAMP or Rails on Linux etc).

    This would be of great value to the community and I for one would be willing to contribute my Parallel VMs to the community whenever possible.

  2. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    There has been a few posted in the last couple of days.

    Check the Mac forum. Perhaps these threads should move to General Discussion.
  3. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    I think what the poster meant was there should be a common server from which preloaded VMs could be downloaded without special software like BitTorrent. I think that's a good idea too. Punching more holes in my firewall doesn't have much appeal here.

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