Apple Built In SDXC Reader - Internal Drive

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by beta_mikecwest, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. beta_mikecwest

    beta_mikecwest Member

    I was SOO Happy to see that PD9 was showing the SDXC as an external drive. To my dismay the newest update now makes it show up as an Internal Drive again.

    It may seem trivial or irrelevant, but with my purposes require it to be recognized as being an external device, and to be quite honest, the memory card in the slot IS external. The purpose I have is required by a proprietary program that checks my device to ensure it is NOT an internal device. I can understand why the program is written in that way, due to the nature of its purpose. (its to dumb it down for those that are not computer savvy, and prevent issues with the wrong drive being selected.)

    Could anyone tell me anyway to get it to recognize it again as being external? I was really happy to see it working that way, and now I must revert to an external USB reader or USB cable to the actual device. :(
  2. strells

    strells Product Expert

    Why not set up the card as a shared folder? Then it will get an external drive letter.

  3. serv

    serv Forum Maven

    Thanks for the heads up. This is now filed as a bug internally.
    What you can do is to add a line "devices.usb.msc_rmb=1" (without quotes) to VM Config > Hardware > Boot Order > Boot flags.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  4. This is done for a purpose. The Windows is actually buggy, i.e. it can not understand at all devices with multiple partitions with "removable bit" set in device descriptor (this is Internal/External attribute from your point of view).

    Do you have any trouble with any application or this is a some "beauty thing"? We will thing on tuning this if there are some noticeable consequences.
  5. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert


    Is there a list of Boot flags available somewhere, at least for advanced users?
  6. beta_mikecwest

    beta_mikecwest Member

    >>This is done for a purpose. The Windows is actually buggy, i.e. it can not understand at all devices with multiple partitions with "removable bit" set in device descriptor (this is Internal/External attribute from your point of view).

    Do you have any trouble with any application or this is a some "beauty thing"? We will thing on tuning this if there are some noticeable consequences.>>

    The propriety application will tell me, " You have selected an internal drive, you must select an external drive. Your camera is not an internal device." I understand the purpose of this, as many employees might accidentally select their "c" drive or other internal device and package it up for upload to the employer. The camera must be deleted on a daily basis, and once deleted it will be gone. It is part of a series of redundant checks to ensure the employee does not F*** up. There are not many people using a Mac that use this program, I only know of a few. It is not a beauty thing my any measure. A camera would not normally be a shared or network device.
  7. beta_mikecwest

    beta_mikecwest Member

    I will give it a try. thanks
  8. you can also try another option if your SDHC reader itself is internally wired by USB bus: you will see the reader itself in the list of available devices and you can pass it entirely. In this case the flag (internal/external) will be read from the device. In this case you will not see insert notification for you SDHC card, the reader will be handled by low level USB software in guest only.

    Unfortunately, not all Mac SDHC readers are USB. Some of them are internally wired through PCI and this method is not applicable.
  9. beta_mikecwest

    beta_mikecwest Member

    This computer has a PCI SDHC reader. The boot flag option provided by SERV did work. For my purposes, I don't really need an insert notification. I only use windows for work related stuff for two very primitive (things windows 95 era) applications and one application made with "click at once." All three applications are needed and since they are proprietary, are not available on the mac. This is the only thing I do in my parallels virtual machine. I used crossovers for awhile, but the CAO application requires .NET and crossovers fails to properly work with this application.

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