Anyone tried installing OpenBSD yet?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by victory, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. victory

    victory Bit poster


    Pls forgive the somewhat ignorant post (this is my first visit to this forum):

    Has anyone tried installing OpenBSD/i386 as a VM yet? Outside of OSX, I do most of my work with this OS and I'm hoping to move over to newer Apple (Intel-based) hardware soon. I'm currently on a PPC-based PowerBook running OpenBSD 3.8 under VPC7 but am researching my options.

    A few observations so far:

    - From the Parallels docs, I see that another *BSD (FreeBSD) is officially supported. While FreeBSD shares a lot of similarity and code with OpenBSD, the two aren't quite the same.

    - OpenBSD 3.8 (current) seems to support most of Parallels virtual hardware (e.g. RTL8029 NIC, etc)

    - I realize that the OSX version of Parallels WS is still in beta, so I understand if OpenBSD may not be officially supported at this time -- I'm just wondering if anyone has tried to see if it installs/boots yet. (Even just text/console mode is ok -- X not required)

    - A cursory google of "openbsd parallels" doesn't seem to turn up *any* posts of users who seem to be using OpenBSD with Parallels WS, on any of the current host platforms. Of course, OpenBSD isn't exactly the most popular of the open source OSes, so that may be a factor in the lack of reported experiences. (I did try a search in the forums here for 'openbsd' before posting this question)

    Thanks for any input.
  2. merdely

    merdely Bit poster


    I have installed both OpenBSD 3.8 and OpenBSD 3.9 under Parallels on my Mac Mini. I even got X working. It works fine.

  3. sudogeek

    sudogeek Bit poster

    OpenBSD 3.9 on Parallels for Mac

    A little detail may help.

    I set up the VMs (XP, Ubuntu, and OpenBSD 3.9 with host-guest networking and static IPs. That way, I can have them running and ssh back and forth from host-to-VM and VM-to-VM. Set the route and create /etc/resolv.conf and networking is no problem.

    Getting X11 to work full screen at 1280x800 was a bit more challenging. Here is my xorg.conf which works fine on my MacBook. View attachment xorg.conf.txt
  4. GFBurke

    GFBurke Member

    PCBSD = I could not get audio working.
    Does it work ok in Open? If so, I'll do that one as a "turn key image" for others.
  5. jarrwlee

    jarrwlee Bit poster

    I keep getting kernel panics on the first boot after install. How exactly are you setting up the VM? It installs fine, no issues, but it crashes on boot.
  6. sudogeek

    sudogeek Bit poster

    Here are the parameters: Guest OS : other; acceleration: high; boot sequence: HD, floppy, cd; autostart: off; memory: 256 mb; HD: 4 G; CD/DVD: default; network: host only; USB: auoconnect off. Host OS MacBook running 10.4.7 and build 1884 - no problems.

    When you boot and get a kernel panic, how far along the boot process does the OpenBSD machine get? What does the console say prior to the panic?
  7. tag

    tag Bit poster

    sudogeek -- thanks for the x.conf, you saved me a bunch of time.

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