after build 3188 install and crash, windows XP not starting

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by hanssolmsen, May 13, 2007.

  1. hanssolmsen

    hanssolmsen Bit poster

    I just installed 3188 and now windows XP will not start up. I am confronted with a black screen as it begins its start up.

    During the install of build 3188, the XP virtual machine was starting up, but did not complete because there was not enough space on the hard drive. The machine crashed and I force restarted.

    MacBook Pro OS X 10.4.9
  2. hanssolmsen

    hanssolmsen Bit poster

    My problem has been sorted. I restarted the virtual machine and immediately pushed F8, then chose the previously known working configuration (my previouse use of the XP system) and restarted.

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