I love Coherence, but I think an a neat feature would be to give us the option to show all Windows desktop icons on the Mac OS desktop. This would work out well with Windows icons on the left, and the Mac icons on the right. The concept seems very doable from a developer standpoint as it would just require some sort of transparency on the wallpaper minus the icons.
This is an excellent idea in theory, but, then you have to think about icon interaction. For most users, they will get confused by this. As of right now, you can have program shortcuts on the Mac side, double click them, and have them open in Parallels. You can associate documents of certain types with Windows apps on the Mac side as well. The only real value this idea has is as a short lived bullet point on a sales presentation.
Too much hazzle I agree with Vigilants comment on the suggestion. The only trouble I can see in this solution is if you'd like to launch XP documents - not applications from your OS X desktop. This, however could be solved by creating a new file-type, similar to the .app to .exe launchers, when a user drops a shortcut file from windows to OS X.
Windows Icons on Mac Desktop In the latest version (beta) you can put Windows icons on the MAC desktop. I have put the ones I use most on the desktop and it works fine.
Put Windows icons on MAC desktop What I did was this: Go to Finder->MacintoshHD->users->(your user name)->library->parallels->microsoft windowsxp->windows applications In the Windows Applications folder you can see all your programs. I right-clicked and made an alias of the programs I wanted. I dragged the aliases to the mac desktop and renamed them (no alias in name). And, ... they open the programs from the Mac desktop.