adding more memory in XP for software

Discussion in 'Parallels Workstation for Windows and Linux' started by alex222, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. alex222

    alex222 Bit poster


    i just got my new MAC and parallels a few days ago.

    I Am trying to add software to my XP and there does not seem to be enough memory. i am trying to add all adobe XP software i have.

    How can i increase the hard drive's size to be able to add as many programs as i wish?????

    thank you
  2. drval

    drval Pro

    Did you set up an expanding drive image when you did the original installation?
  3. alex222

    alex222 Bit poster

    no i did not.....
    this is my very first time using parallels and MAc so i might be not understanding the whole concept yet, of how it all works.
    thanks for any insights
  4. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Memory is the RAM stuff. Disk is storage. The two are different. Memory will come in sizes like 512 megabytes, and disks will come in sizes like 80 gigabytes.

    If you search, there are helpful instructions on how to increase the size of a static partition. However, in the nicest possible, with your level of understanding, it will be easier, and much quicker to just start again. With the whole creating a virtual disk(partition) and installing windowoes thing.

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