Activation problem with upgrade

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MagicBoy, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. MagicBoy

    MagicBoy Bit poster

    I've just bought an upgrade to version 3.0 Premium from a email offer I got a couple of weeks ago. Installed build 5582 as downloaded via the link sent in the email .Load Parallels, asks to me activate. Accepts the new key fine and then asks for the previous version key. Enter that and it says Invalid key. It's an early key as I used the beta and pre-ordered the first version in July 2006.

    I've not had parallels on this drive before - fitted a bigger one when I got Leopard. I've got a couple of older versions saved (1970 and 3170). 3170 refuses to activate again using the original key and 1970 just crashes the OS (so I'm guessing it's not Leopard friendly!)

  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Please create ticket and send me number privately, I will forward ticket to sales team

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