Access Windows Files From Mac

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by Ryder Cragie, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Ryder Cragie

    Ryder Cragie Junior Member

    I'd like to be access the files I have in my Parallels VM on my Mac via Finder.
  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi RyderC,

    If the Windows VM is running, then you can find its files in the Finder sidebar > Network > "Windows VM name". Check VM configuration Option > Sharing settings if it is not there.
    If the Windows VM is not running, then you can open an hdd file in the VM package (Show Package Contents...) with help of Parallels Mounter (Open With...). But I don't recommend it as there are limitations - e.g. you can't do it for suspended VM or you can't start VM when the disk is mounted, etc.
  3. Ryder Cragie

    Ryder Cragie Junior Member

    Thanks! That worked.

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