About that Iron Curtain-- Installing OS

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ahibber, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. ahibber

    ahibber Bit poster

    Okay. I'm having a very hard time installing Microsoft XP/Vista on my boss' Macbook Pro. I follow the instructions just as they are in the User Guide and when I hit the Power On button my screen slowly goes black and I'm advised that I need to shut down the computer. I know that there is an "OS installation Assistant" and I would love to use it, but I don't know where the button is or what it looks like...

    Any Suggestions?
  2. palter

    palter Hunter

    The boxed version of Parallels isn't compatible with the new MacBook Pro's. You need to download the latest release (1970). You can do this by selecting "Check for Updates..." in Paralllels' Help menu. Do this before attempting to start any VM.

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