I've just upgraded to Parallels Desktop 6.0.11828, and it's so good it's causing me a problem. I make extensive use of Spaces on the Mac. I switch from space to space using keyboard commands, which are Command plus various number keys. The most recent Parallels upgrade gives me this problem: When I press the Command key, the Windows Start menu opens right away, no matter what space I'm in. That means that when I switch back to the space I have Parallels assigned to, the Start menu is needlessly open in Windows, and I have to press Command again to close it. It's an annoyance. So how about having Parallels react to the Command key only in the space that Parallels is assigned to? Or if I've misdiagnosed the problem, how about having Parallels react to the Command key a fraction of a second slower, so that the user's finger is off the key before the Mac switches to the space where Parallels is?