$49.99 upgrade to PD7 from PD6

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by keithos27, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. keithos27

    keithos27 Member

    Hi there. If I purchase the "upgrade" to PD7 from PD6, and I format my MacBook Pro and do a clean install do I have to install PD6 and then upgrade to PD7, or can I do a clean install straight from the PD7 $49.99 upgrade I purchased online?

    Thank you,
  2. PatrickJ

    PatrickJ Member

    Don't worry about installing 6. When using your 7 serial, it'll ask you to copy/paste your 6 serial as well (which if you need can be found in your Registered Products when logged in to the Parallels site).
  3. JessicaW

    JessicaW Banned

    Had my upgrade already and I have no problem so far. Everything just follow. The instructions provided will keep you on the right track [​IMG]

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