3ds Max HELP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Swff, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Swff

    Swff Bit poster

    When I click and hold down on the wheel on the mouse(scool wheel), it zooms in rather then letting me grab the screen and move around. I tryed both the mac mouse and a Logitch mouse. I NEED to get this fixed ASAP for class next week.:eek:
  2. unused_user_name

    unused_user_name Pro

    I think Parallels is emulating a 2 button mouse with scroll wheel instead of a 3 button mouse.

    Try holding down both the right and left button at the same time instead of using the middle button.

    If that does not work, use a USB mouse and connect it as a device to Parallels. You will need 2 mice in this case, one for Parallels and one for OSX.

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