3036: Crash during compressor run

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by steveward, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. steveward

    steveward Bit poster

    Under certain circumstances, Parallels compressor CRASHES 3036 near the end of the
    "preparing to compact" phase. The symptom is that the VM spontaneously stops running,
    dimming the console screen; when restarted (eg by clicking the PLAY button) it crashes
    nearly immediately. I've emailed osx crash logs to [email protected].

    I initially blamed this on short disk space: it's reasonable that space for an extra copy
    of the hdd file be required, and my early encounters were cured by freeing up more
    disk. But I now have repeatable examples of crashes during compression with plenty
    of disk space, so there's clearly some other bug ...
  2. tangential

    tangential Member

    Several of us have had this happen. More about it in this thread.
  3. Menace

    Menace Bit poster

    Parallels compressor just stops at this point (see pic: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3276/screenshot01fb2.jpg) and does nothing anymore. I have been waiting for 1 hour and I tried it again and again.

    When I press the green start button at the right hand side then the window gets his light back and 10 seconds later Parallels/Windows crashes. Don`t no good for me.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2006
  4. jeff100117

    jeff100117 Bit poster

    I have the same issue, is there a resolution to this?

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