3.0 - what's what?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by bobgorila, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. bobgorila

    bobgorila Bit poster

    So, Coherence 2.0 doesn't play nice with exposé, which is to say, Windows apps don't move separately from each other. Fusion does, so I'm guessing this is coming in a free 3.x release?

    Something I can't test yet, since I'm running off a tiny 60GB HDD right now and don't have the room for Boot Camp, is whether 3.0 presents the "expert mode" for dealing with Boot Camp VMs that was hinted by a dev in some thread or other.

    Basically, what I and others are after is the ability to check a "yes, I know what I'm doing" box and thereafter be able to suspend and resume Boot Camp VMs (on the understanding that we know to shut the VM down properly before rebooting to Windows).

    I've noticed that start-up is a damn sight quicker in Parallels 3.0 though, so perhaps suspension isn't so useful? Is it as quick when booting from a partition rather than a .hdd file?

    I can't wait for my replacement HDD to come >.<

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