3.0 Graphics failure.. Can't reinstall 2.0

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by ICreel, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. ICreel

    ICreel Junior Member


    I am a current user of the latest Parallels 2.0 build (3188) and recently downloaded the 3.0 release today since my USB devices (Evoluent verticle mouse, Apple BlueTooth keyboard and 3D Connexion Space Traveller mouse for 3D CAD) have never relly worked properly through Win XP on my MacBook (2.0 GH 2GB RAM).

    After installing the 3.0 build the grahics window inside my Solid Edge application displays gibberish. The menu and side bar area of the app seems fine but the main window is useless.

    I restarted the application, retarted Windows, followed the Parallels reinsrtallation process posted by Spectre titled "If something Goes Wrong with Parallels on the Mac Side" but nothing will work.

    Then I decided unisintall 3.0 to revert to the previous 2.0 Build. I saved my XP VM images before upgrading to 3.0 and replaced the old images in the appropriate folder. I resintalled the 2.0 Build 3188 (I had saved the 3188 disk image on my hard drive) and now when I reintsall 3188 it thinks that 3.0 is still installed and want to conveert my old XP VM image to 3.0.

    Now I am totally screwed and really don't know what to do.

    In summary:

    USB devices dont seem to work properly on 2.0 build 3188.
    I cant turn back to 2.0 biuld 3188 for some reason
    3.0 has messed up the graphics on the only Windows app that I use very day for work.

    Please help...
  2. danws

    danws Junior Member

    Make sure when you have uninstalled it, if you feel the need to, to delete every reference to Parallels (except for the vm of course). Its got a bunch of prefrences files that probably should be deleted (should be able to be found using search). Then, try to reinstall 2.0.

    Also, you can try to disable directx because that has supposedly messed some applications up.
  3. ICreel

    ICreel Junior Member

    Thanks for your reply Dan.

    Good idea regarding trashing the excess files. I did indeed trash every Parallels file before reinstalling (except the vm images). That process was outlined in the article I quoted in my original post from one of the Parallels staff. No luck.

    I do have a work around in the name of WMWare Fusion that seems to be working well so far. Pitty that Parallels isn't since I did pay for it and would like it to work.

    Unsure about disabaling directx. How is this done an why would 3.0 have issues with directx when 2.0 did not?
  4. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    2.x didnt have directx support. try disabling it in your vm config on 3.0 and see if it helps.
  5. ICreel

    ICreel Junior Member

    Thanks for the suggestions folks.

    OK. I went into VM config to turn off directx supprt and.... it was turned off by default. I figured I would tryenabling directX support but this did not work either. Same problem.

    Any other ideas?

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