1gb = how much??

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by bluestar11jct, May 29, 2007.

  1. bluestar11jct

    bluestar11jct Junior Member

    i have a 2gb imac computer, i want to give half to the windows side. when i made the partion i put 50,000. is that correct? i want 1gb for windows. i want to make sure its right before i continue to install programs in window and run out of space. please let me know.

    thanks alot in advance!:D
  2. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    It is best to take the defaults.

    If you must tinker with it, if you are using light applications like Quicken and Internet Explorer, 256MB will do fine. If you are using more memory intensive applications, try 768MB.

    By the way 2GB = approx 2,000MB or 2,000,000,000 bytes. I say approximately, because 1 GB is actually 2 to the 30th power.

    Also be sure you are keeping straight the difference between memory and disk space. You will want to give Parallels 256MB to 768MB of memory, but 8GB to 24GB (or more) of your hard disk space...depending on what you are using it for.

    Personally, I use XP for Quicken, a Polar Heart Rate Monitor, and RoboForm. I give it about 256MB of memory and 8GB of hard disk space, and performance is very good, and I have about 4GB of disk space left over.

    One more thing...it is relatively easy to edit the memory settings later on if you need to change it. It is relatively difficult to add more hard drive space later on. I would spend most of my energy trying to figure out how much hard drive space you need and allow extra room for growth. If you do need to add more hard drive space later on, there are posts on these forums with step by step instructions.
    Last edited: May 29, 2007
  3. bluestar11jct

    bluestar11jct Junior Member

    thanks so much for responding. i looked in the c: drive and it says i have 46.5 gb of free disk space. in mac it says i have 181.68 gb available. is this ok then? is 46.5 gb too much for windows? or do i need more? i really never want to run out of space. i want to have enough space in the windows side as if it were a computer all on its own. im going to use it to make videos with pinnicle studios. i had to start from scratch to do this partition. i tried all the other ways to resize and failed. the defautls were not enough i ran out of space just putting that program and aol. thanks again. i feel so lost!
  4. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    It sounds like you have plenty of disk space. If you ever run short, you can probably archive some of your finished video projects to external drives.

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