1600x1050 Fullscreen Resolution?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by WhoAmI, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. WhoAmI

    WhoAmI Bit poster

    Is there a way to set the resolution of the emulated graphics card to 1600x1050 pixels? My iMac's 20" monitor will otherwise display black borders to the left and right, which isn't necessarily ideal for my purposes. Will the included driver be updated to handle this resolution in the future?
  2. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    This resolution will be available in the next public version.
  3. WhoAmI

    WhoAmI Bit poster

    Perfect - thank you!
  4. sgallant@

    sgallant@ Bit poster

    How about 1440x900?

    This would work for the new 15" MacBook Pro and a lot of external widescreen LCDs also.

    BTW.... great work.... I just bought my copy.
  5. loughkb@yahoo.com

    [email protected] Member

    How flexible with the next windows video driver be? I have a 1600x1200 monitor that's rotatable. Easy enough to tell the mac to rotate the video, but windows doesn't know how to do 1200x1600 in protrait mode. (grin)
  6. danboarder

    danboarder Junior Member

    widescreen macbook pro 17

    I also bought a copy of parallels, thank you for a great app!

    I'm also struggling to get native widescreen with Linux guests (specifically Ubuntu right now).

    My native resolution is 1680x1050. Thanks for any help.
  7. rjgebis

    rjgebis Hunter

    I have 1680x1050 running in FC5 just fine. send me private message if you want my xorg.conf
  8. danboarder

    danboarder Junior Member

    Parallels / Ubuntu 1680x1050

    It's working great now! I modified xorg.conf from someone who had it working with Solaris. A few changes and now Ubuntu is running full widescreen at 1680x1050. Excellent!

    This xorg.conf file also supports a number of other resolutions in Parallels/Ubuntu.

    I've attached a copy to this post for anyone who migtht need this.

    (remove the .txt extention, and always make a backup of your original file at etc/X11/xorg.conf )

    Attached Files:

  9. gwgilc

    gwgilc Bit poster

    Not sure why, but I cannot open the attached file in the message above. I am running SUSE unix and would love to have a higher resolution. The install screen for SUSE seems to be running at 1024 x 768, but when I boot up in parallels, I only get 640 x 480. Thanks for any advice.
  10. ttrout

    ttrout Bit poster

    Use a different browser, something is borked with Safari and this file attachment. I just got it no problem with Opera 9. Was not able to with Safari, it forces me to login again, but never allows file download.
  11. rjgebis

    rjgebis Hunter

    Anyone got Solaris 10 working on 17" in full native resolution. (1680x150)?
  12. bbraun

    bbraun Member

  13. chrissearle

    chrissearle Bit poster

    That did get 1680x1050 working just fine :) But - the 1440x900 mode in that file - that doesn't work for me :(

    I get

    VESA(0): Not using mode "1440x900" (no mode ot this name)

    I did add the Modes section and have the modeline in the monitor section too.

    The xorg logs suggested that there was a 1440x852 mode - setting the name strings of "1440x900" to "1440x852" and changing the 900 to 852 in the modeline (keeping the other values the same since I have no real clue what they are) got the 1440x852 mode up (this on a 17" MPB).
  14. felho@lycos.com

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Going Crazy....

    I dont know what I am doing wrong but can someone please post a xorg.conf file for Solaris that is known to work fullscreen on a 17" MBP.....Sorry if I am not able to figure out what I am doing wrong......
  15. dvinnola

    dvinnola Junior Member


    I don't feel comfortable modifying the file to handle the resolution of the macbook, so has anyone done a resolution for it that i can copy?
  16. dafuser

    dafuser Bit poster

    Did you ever get a working copy of xorg.conf for your MacBook? I hve not been able to get X11 working properly, problems with mouse and I would like high resolution too.
  17. BrentB

    BrentB Member

    To fix the "No mode of this name" errors, try adding the corresponding resolution to the VM's custom video settings (IIRC the VM has to be "off" to do this).
  18. clarkn

    clarkn Junior Member

    I think it might be easier to just run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and tell it the resolutions that you want to be available, then let it generate your xorg.conf for you.
  19. cosi

    cosi Bit poster

    Ubuntu: High res crashes X when running gnome?

    I have an iMac "20 and am running Ubuntu under parrallels.

    I tried the xorg.conf that danboarder posted. X crashes when I login to a gnome session. Enclosed is a backtrace. If I use the failsafe terminal, I am able to get a terminal and launch the gnome-wm. Anyone else run into the same problem?


    0: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x86) [0x80b4a86]
    1: [0xffffe420]
    2: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so(fbCopyNtoN+0x16b) [0xb78d0edb]
    3: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so(fbCopyRegion+0xb8) [0xb78d1743]
    4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so(fbDoCopy+0x487) [0xb78d1d88]
    5: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so(fbCopyArea+0x78) [0xb78d1e49]
    6: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libshadow.so [0xb78eef22]
    7: /usr/bin/X [0x8147788]
    8: /usr/bin/X [0x80fde83]
    9: /usr/bin/X [0x810eef1]
    10: /usr/bin/X [0x8146476]
    11: /usr/bin/X [0x8149f0f]
    12: /usr/bin/X(miWindowExposures+0x1e3) [0x80ff1ef]
    13: /usr/bin/X(miHandleValidateExposures+0x74) [0x8116ca6]
    14: /usr/bin/X [0x80bc657]
    15: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/vesa_drv.so [0xb79b7e2e]
    16: /usr/bin/X [0x80badb8]
    17: /usr/bin/X(xf86SwitchMode+0xb8) [0x80b105a]
    18: /usr/bin/X [0x80d0257]
    19: /usr/bin/X [0x80d0447]
    20: /usr/bin/X [0x8144a55]
    21: /usr/bin/X(Dispatch+0x19e) [0x8085d26]
    22: /usr/bin/X(main+0x47c) [0x806e0a8]
    23: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xd2) [0xb7d53ea2]
    24: /usr/bin/X(FontFileCompleteXLFD+0x81) [0x806d611]

    Fatal server error:
    Caught signal 11. Server aborting
  20. boyd

    boyd Bit poster

    Ok, as of this morning I now have a working fullscreen on a 17" MBP with Solaris Nevada b41. I don't know if it works with a supported release, but it can't hurt to try.

    Note that this is using the newly announce beta update of parallels (build 1862) so I don't know if it will work with older builds.

    I've attached my xorg.conf.

    Attached Files:

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