1366x768 full screen problem b5 Win2k

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by oldlibmike, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. oldlibmike

    oldlibmike Bit poster

    I love the new resolutions for full screen but there is a problem specifically with the 1366x768 which ends up being the native resolution for a 720p Sharp Aquos TV.

    On the OS X side I am using SwitchResX to configure the 1366x768 without problem. When I use the fullscreen Parallels, the image appears in black and white and skewed badly to the right.

    This is minor since 1360x768 works perfectly (probably due to being a multiple of 8 as I've seen referenced).

    The problem is that if I have the fullscreen resize to "native", it always attempts the 1366x768. I may try changing the OS X resolution to 1360x768 to see if that helps.

    Its easy to work around but I though I'd report the problem in case anyone else is having the same issue.

    Forgot to mention: my system is a Duo Mini with 1 gig memory and running Win2k.

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