Separate names with a comma.
And make sure you don't go above that max recommended size or you may have to hard shutdown your mac or wait a very long time to get Parallels and...
Parallels has no direct access to hard drives so the answer to that is no. You can only create a partition (file(s) in Parallels for the HD...
That is more of a personal choice as to which Windows version you install, just remember though that MS is dropping support for Windows 7 very...
Parallels support team, Why not fix this issue with a simple log in on your site, simple couple questions and wipe all registered computers. Sort...
PD shouldnt effect the resolution, but Parallels Access does and when you connect using it messes up your video settings.
It is now setup when you download it. If you select no PA it downloads PD without PA added.
Are you close to RAM limits?
I only noticed that it booted Parallels slightly fast and the VM loaded a little bit faster after the second or third load but not much faster. I...
If you bought a valid PD8 key then you can enter that and all will be fine. If you bought a PD9 key then you have to upgrade to 9 then enter your...
I agree with the iPhone support, as that is where most of the time I used the PM app.
Did you install the Parallels Tools?
You have to contact customer support, the upgrade they offer on their site only works from 7+, nothing before that version.
Just remember is you still use PM dont upgrade to 9 since that feature isnt available, the direct connect. Also if running iOS 7 the rotation may...
Dont use shared networking. If you want a real normal address and let programs see your VM use bridged.
That video also shows the problem with PA, the cost vs features. Can only control on machine, period (when it should be one machine at a time)....
The best way, if running any server type apps on a machine, is go into your Router settings and give the MAC Address of your Mac or other machine...
Ya, same for me and I was fine a week or two ago. Looks like they finally killed it off the rest of the way. You can still log in direct...
It should be able to run it as my Mac Pro is a 2008 model and runs fine. The main problem you will have is memory. 4gb is not nuch to create a...
That only solves one of the problems with PA. The auto run is a major problem for lots of people and system administrators. NO REMOTE SOFTWARE...
You cannot share the two VMs. They are made by two different companies and file formats, memory, and other things works differently. People have...