Separate names with a comma.
The 22635.3785 was released yesterday in the beta channel, and it installed without problems on my machine. So it looks we're back to normal.
In the Insiders beta channel, the update is not available, as the installed beta version (in my case 22635.3640) is considered newer than the...
No, that's not what I do (and I never said I would...) - the physical machine is running a stable version. And it isn't an ARM device anyway, just...
My Windows Update still cannot see it, the latest it sees and want to install is 10.0.22635.3720. I hope the .22631.3737 will come up later today...
I don't say you're not right in what you suggest. That would most probably work - unless it mixes up the channels when I run the cloned version,...
Which part of the word "convenience" did you not understand? o_O Creating a new VM and installing windows and all my required software and files...
I don't believe (or don't want to believe) that MS is that stupid.
Does that put my IT operations at risk? No. Does that annoy me as a paying customer (both to Parallels and Microsoft)? Big time. I run Windows on...
I really hope that the Parallels team comes up with a fix soon. Usually, I immediately installed every Parallels update, and never had...
I have the same problem. Reproducibly, the update process throws me out and rolls back to the last installed version. Every time requiring to type...
I see, that must have changed some time ago. When Parallels hit the market in the 2000s, I had bought several licenses it to run windows on my...
I need to run some old (32bit) apps on my M1 MacBook (2021) with Monterey. It is my understanding that with Parallels it should be possible to...
The recent security update 007 appears to have the license to kill: "shared networking" of Parallels (build1970) does not work any more. Tested...