Separate names with a comma.
More than likely the Windows 10 key will work (notice the hedging there?). Windows 11 is nothing but Windows 10 with a pretty new face and some...
Simple. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windowsupdate]...
Try this registry change. Worked for us changing our Win11 Pro release to user version. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00...
You can try this (from MS) registry change. It worked on our standard Windows 11 Pro workstation template to update it from 22H2 to 24H2....
I'm a bit down the road from you (DC). I'm trying to determine why the update schedule is so strange. I beta test (WIndows Insider)all five...
What part of the world are you in? Major updates are rolled out in some (unknown to anyone but MS) specific order to the world.
Go to Microsoft and download the ARM ISO file. Copy the ISO to a USB drive, plug the USB drive into your computer. Select the USB drive and...
Click on HOME at the top of this page. On the HOME page, select Support. Then, see above.
Persistence and patience.
Cleverbridge is the agent for Parallels. That's where your money goes to renew your license. Parallels is definitely alive and working. I had a...
I've been a beta tester for VMWare since Version 09 for Microsoft and Fusion 10 for Mac. I went back to VMWare because of the smaller O/S...
At least you got results. I spent more than an hour trying to cancel mine yesterday.
Download the ARM ISO form Microsoft. It's 24H2. Run Setup from the ISO.
After 10 minutes of wasted time, I just downloaded the MS ISO and used that. Simple, easy, and effective (and I have a real ISO I can reuse).
Microsoft has produced a 24H2 Windows 11 ARM ISO file which you can download directly from Microsoft.
By any chance, did it hang at the "Install Network Adapter" stage?
Going out on a limb here but I think you might look at the word IMAGE and imagine that is a backup of the PVM.
I posted replies to both messages and Parallels seems to have decided you don't need to read them. Oh well, back to VMWare in two months.
I just checked on my installed version of Win 11 Pro - Release and no Windows Update key in HKLM.... etc. I have no way to go back and see if...