Separate names with a comma.
You can easily clone your current VM, run this batch file to reset windows update, Download Reset Windows Update ( , change the...
I have managed to successfully update from 26040 to 26058 by setting the CPU & Memory in the VMs hardware configuration from automatic to manual...
I chose to install manually and fiddled with a few settings like choosing more memory and processors, turned off sharing and some more things......
I tried that but it keeps resetting on install with the Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_26058.VHDX
I answered the email, I'm not comfortable having you remote connect to my machine. If you can give me any pointers to fix this it would be...
Now the update to 26052 seems to fail.....
It seems to have been resolved with tha latest 26040.1000 canary build