Separate names with a comma.
current version Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.25227.1010 (rs_prerelease), downloaded 100% using windows update, then installed to 100% and after...
hi, I need help with windows update error 0x8000ffff current version of windows 11 PRO insider Preview build 25120.rs_prerelease.220513-1346 can't...
I also tried to use vcds on mac M1 but even i used latest 16.5 version of parallels and last windows 10 ARM, i still can't install usb rosstech...
Dev team didn't need it because problem exist only in business edition. If you try to use trial PRO version you can even delete that file and it...
No tools are same in both versions, different thing is that driver which parallels install during setup (you have to give it access using admin...
I had business edition and tools installed from business edition in VM win10, than I install trial pro version without reinstalling tools from...
Hakuna maraton usb pizdato nie rabotajet iz biznes.... speak english.
Maybe support could help us to fix issue with mounting usb other than storage in business version, but I think they will not do it for sure.
look at my post for answer about other than usb storage:...
there is no changes in dispatcher XML file when vcds cable is mounted in VM windows but as I told before, there will be additional window...
Final conclusion: in PRO/Standard version mounting of other than storage usb device works OK because this window shows up and you can click ALLOW...
probably they will make it "in future" until this time I recommend free Fusion 12.1.0 problem lies in KEXT drivers which should be rewritten to...
there is no problem with all type of devices in free FUSION 12.1.0
also any kind of mobile phones are not supported
finally I've got answer for my support ticket from Parallels Desktop support Team about other than usb storage devices: This is clear statement...