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Upgraded to Parallels 13, F6 toggle still not working in full screen mode. I see this case was opened a year ago.
Followed your steps. My settings were already the same as your settings. Also tried "Always", didn't work.
The Windows mouse is working now after shutting down everything & rebooting the 3rd time. BTW, I did finally manage to find the links to the phone...
July 8, 2017 finished installation of latest update. After tools reboot my mouse cursor disappears when it is clicked once and reappears on second...
Desktop 12 instillation did not fix the issue. Until Parallels comes up with a solution I've been using the Apple+Tab keys to switch between OS's
Since my post on 12/17/16 Sierra had an update 10.12.2 I was hoping this would fix the f6 problem. It didn't. F6 will still go from the Mac to Win...
Installed Parallels 12 two nights ago and have identical issue as Francisco1. I can f6 from Mac Sierra to Windows but not from Windows to Mac. f6...