Separate names with a comma.
LAST input = I even deleted the old VM and reinstalled Windows 11 DID NOT HELP!!
More info: When I clicked Troubleshoot and then clicked "Changed Devices" (= new OS), the only Device previously registered was Windows 10 Home....
Windows 11 (w/Parallels Desktop - 18.3.2) can not find Activation Key Windows 11 installs OK, but I get this when trying to Activate Windows 11...
My existing Product Key which I received when I initially purchased Parallels many years ago HVK9H-HMHTC-3H4QT-B8VB8-QH29P Is someone trying to...
Same problem here, Maria Here is my error message [IMG]
My existing Product Key which I received when I initially purchased Parallels many years ago HVK9H-HMHTC-3H4QT-B8VB8-QH29P
I am NOT going to buy a copy of Windows 11 from your Store just to get a valid Activation Code. I already have Windows 11 Pigs will fly before...
Please provide me a valid code
Just a text message to use a different Code. Again, Windows 11 installed OK .. but not activated
In the interests of full disclosure, when I installed Windows 10 way back when, I had to use by very old Windows 7. Such revelations probably...
Unable to Activate Windows 11 using Parallels Desktop 18 on new Mac OS Sonoma Windows 11 is installed OK, but is not Active. Used my old Code...
I really appreciate the kindness of your reply. I was not thinking about free, I really was not. I was thinking about a price break below the...
I upgraded to Version 10 of Parallels Desktop for Mac on 4/22/2015. Is there ANY WAY I can get a price break to upgrade to Version 11. One of the...
Tuesday, August 13 THANKS TO Ram!!!!! Here are the steps I took for a finally successful AND activated Windows 10. *** cloned or copied my...
Tuesday, August 13 Ram ... Here are the steps I took for a finally successful AND activated Windows 10. *** cloned or copied my existing VMs to...
Ram ... This posting was based on the fact that I was unable to open "Win10_SingleLang_English_x64.iso" and complete the free update to Windows...
Reference: I have a iMac with 16 GB of RAM and a 1 TB internal hard drive. I just noticed that the filled bar is set PRECISELY to the SIZE of the...
I can NOT adjust memory for my VM I have (Windows 7). I right-click on either VM and select "Configure" (or click the Configure ICON), and the...