Separate names with a comma.
peter you should be able to run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then run through the setup when you get to the screen resolutions uncheck...
I have a MB Pro 2.16 Core Duo with 2GB of ram. I have set up a standard VM and have had this same problem ever since alpha 6 of Gutsy Gibbon. Has...
Suse 10.2 I am running build 1970
Perhaps someone out there can help me. I am attempting to install Suse 10.2 on a Macbook Pro. I get all through the 5 disks, I am then prompted to...
OS's running so far w/out complcations So far i have been able to run the following Os's on parallels w/out any troubles. pclinuxos Sabayon...
Your welcome. There is a .pdf. quick start guide that has all this info in it on parallels' website.
Mine is share your connection from built in ethernet adapter to pc using ethernet adapter. (bottom box) and host only networking in parallels
try going into system setting and then sharing then click on internet. In the share your connection from click ethernet adapter and then click...
Network not working under the new beta release on mac pro I am having the same problem. Everytime i start a VM i get a message about the...
Anyone having luck Has anyone had luck getting this problem resolved yet?