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Thank you . . . all of this is useful, and especially the comment about slow frame-rate. I was surprised to find that, finally, I can run LOTRO...
Thanks . . . I've done that and, tomorrow, will fax all of the stuff for consideration for the free upgrade.
Okay . . . thanks. I'm a little gun-shy right now, but I will give it a try. If successful, will post that.
Nope . . . not worth the trouble. Once I tried to get into my on-line game, I discovered what I should have known from the outset . . . and what...
Got it working and, so far, I'd say Parallels was worth the trouble. Now, my next question: should I stick with what I have or, if I qualify for...
Okay . . . so there is some way to hook Parallels into my Boot Camp partition? I tried one of the ways indicated in the manual, but I guess it was...
I've been using Boot Camp successfully for some time, but bought Parallels so I wouldn't have to reboot. Got an old version at Staples . . ....