Separate names with a comma.
Absolutely. Double clicking on the PVM file immediately brings up the: "The Virtual Machine is not available" sequence
Galochka, Please help as I can no longer open the moved VM.
I followed the instructions above. It worked the first time. I have the copied .pvm file on my external drive. But now after restarting I get an...
I have two virtual machines on my main Mac HD (and both are clone to an external) I want to move one of my VM machines to the external drive to...
I too have the same identical problem
I am still working through this issue. My ticket while temporarily closed while I was traveling. Level 2 support has requested some files (some of...
In response to my ticket Parallels Support send the solution below. Regretfully that appears t be the solution to a different problem when the Mac...
Well, I submitted the ticket and sent the requested files. Nothing as of yet, except that PD4 is unusable with this problem. edeslaur - Any...
I do not think it is a memory problem. I have 4GB RAM and nothing else running. It is a conflict somewhere. Maybe having to do with screen...
I had under PD3 my full Windows machine that was ported. I finally had that working, except for two issues, parallel tools would stop working and...
It is worst. Attempting to attach an ISO image completely freezes the VM - No error whatsoever.
I downloaded the app to the the iphone. I have no idea what to put in as host, user or password to make it work. Have tried evert combo I can...
it has been a nightmare I am downloading 3540 now as I have the exact same problem (after networking worked for a few days). Hopefully it fixes...
Same here. On a new MacBook pro I got a free offer for Fusion 2.0 and will be testing it soon. I liked parallels 3 on my iMac but never got iSight...
I just upgraded to 4 - first boot - My virtual DVD was disk D shown=wing parallel tools. Trying to open the CD it crashed. Every time I startup...
Tried searching but could not find exact problem. When I start the VM I see the parallel tools loaded in the taskbar. I can even start them....
OK - License is the easy part, after I install a new copy on the macbook, Can I just then simply copy my Virtual machine from my iMac? (I do have...
I see that you got it to work. I have an iMac and will be getting a MacBook - If I install Parallels (with its separate license) can I just copy...
I am paranoid about my Quicken data. I too switched to a MAC and QW2008 is one of few apps I run from Parallels. I back up to a USB Drive that is...
Can this be set up by Device? For example I want my Iphone always to connect to the MAC OS, one external hard drive to windows and another...