Separate names with a comma.
Parallels just caused my osx kernel to crash. Occurred when plugging in a USB device (had been previously connected to windows fine). This does...
*Host computer performance issues when many CPU are intensively used in the guest OS fixed. *SMP guests affect host Mac OS X performance...
Agreeed - running parallels but not starting the VM (in my case its Vista Business) has no problems. Its only during or after running the VM the...
I run parallels in full screen mode - and I have a similar issue. My MacBookPro won't sleep when parallels is running (even if the VirtualMachine...
This is FIXED in 3540 - thanks parallels. (to clarify: I can now run PTHPasteBoard and in parallels have explorer to explorer file copy & paste...
It seems that any OSX clipboard management tools can create a problem. I was using PTHPasteBoard and was unable to copy and paste *internally...
To be fair, AFAIK there are no VM solutions that support Aero. So that tells me that its not a trivial thing. As much as I'd like to enable it too...
Wait nevermind I found an excellent solution. Parallels Desktop Menu -> Preferences -> Apperance Tab. Select "Live Screenshot" for the Dock...
What is the procedure for doing this? Should I just raise a support ticket? Cheers
Is there a way to customise it per VM? If not, how can I submit it as an official request?
I often run multiple VMs at once - Parallels changes the icon if the VM is windows or linux, which is great to easy identify which machine you're...
Instead of "Shared Networking" you could use "Default Adapter". This will let XP be its own machine, and have its own IP address. Then setup your...
Updated to 10.5.4 and all good, no change.
After removing and reinstalling PTools, the verifier reported the same thing. All files present, but version failed.
Thanks John, It did happen again with 5608, this time: - Tools Center disappeared from the system tray. Trying to reload it does nothing. -...
I have the problem - exactly as described by Ben H: I just updated to 5608 (from 5602 - where I was still having the problem). Since there is...
I am a new customer - just bought Parallels, for windows development. I also use F11 and F12 all the time in my dev enviroments and Parallels...