Separate names with a comma.
I have not been able to successfully get a USB Philips SpeechMike Pro Plus installed and working in Parallels in my Windows XP VM. I need to use...
I dictate into IE. The internet page has a little window that has all the typical controls (rec, play, pause, rewind). Normally, the buttons on...
I just checked. I'm already using Internet Explorer 7
Sorry, I'm a novice and not sure about some of your suggestions. 1. "Backup original VM folder". How is that done? 2. "Some steps to test..."....
Any other suggestions to get the SpeechMike to work for this application in XP/Parallels? I'm not sure where else to turn. I hate to think I'm...
Thanks. I followed those directions. Accessible. The control buttons on the Mike (Rec, pause, rewind, end, etc) were non functioning. However, it...
I'm sorry, but I'm confused. Yes, the microphone is on the Mac side. However, this dictation site, which is also the site where I review patient...
I did as you instructed. Now when I boot the VM and use IE and the website, my Mike no longer is recognized. I checked the sound setup in Windows...
Main memory 2048MB. Video memory 64MB. I already have it set for optimized VM performance, in the Advanced setting.
Any thoughts? Basically, the voice recordings have "skipping" and Internet Explorer quits/crashes after it uploads the recording (and at other...
I am a Parallels novice. I am trying to use Windows XP in Parallels to do some crucial work on my MacBook Pro (2.6 processor with 4GB memory, OS...
No input or suggestions? Thanks, Marc
Never mind. The next time I start the VM, it automatically started installing "Tools". Marc
I'm new to Parallels. I just installed the 3.0 update Build 5582. Early in the install process it said something like, "Be sure to reinstall...
I'm new to both Mac and Parallels for Mac. I have a new MacBook Pro and have Windows XP Home Edition installed on the VM. I assume I need to...
It appears to have been a problem with the disc. I got the Mac to see the disc briefly but it would still not work, and eventually kick out the...
Thanks for the tip. It didn't work. In "disc utility" it shows the CD/DVD drive but doesn't seem to show anything in it. When I go through the...
I am new to mac. I have a new MacBook Pro with Leopard. I have installed Parallels 3.0. I start Parallels desktop and it takes me through the...