Separate names with a comma.
I would suggest you to contact Parallels Support via : Under Contact support , expand...
This solution may be of some help:...
Hi alirezar1, Open VM configuration window : --> Options --> FullScreen --> Disable " Use Mac OS X Full Screen "...
Hi WakkoWarner, Updating Parallels with the new version , will update Parallels Desktop and Parallels Tools within each Virtual Machine , it will...
Hello Mark, Please check your private messages.
Hello philooi, Please follow the steps to resolve the issue : Open device manager on your Windows Virtual machine , please refer...
Hello BillE1, Please generate a Problem Report Id using the Knowledge Base article and provide us the Problem Report...
Hi WalterW, Please check your private messages.
Hello Pucko, Please check your private messages.
Hello Hans-Albertk, Please check your private messages.
Hello philooi, Please follow the steps as suggested in the knowledge base article and check how it works!
Hi AlexM2, Please check your private messages.
Hello WarrenF, Please follow the steps as suggested at to stop your Windows Virtual Machine. After a restart of...
Hi Nicholas_G, Thank you for the information. Please generate a Problem Report Id using the Knowledge Base article
Hello JoeC1, Disable antivirus and/or firewall software and third party services in Windows follow the steps as suggested at...
Hello Austin, Please (re)install Parallels Tools as suggested at Also refer the settings for Keyboard at...
Hello simonmason, Please let us know the view mode you have for Windows , Coherence or Window or Fullscreen mode. Also please attach a screenshot...
Hi AlexM2, Please generate a Problem Report Id using the Knowledge Base article and provide us the Problem Report...
Hi Steven, Please follow the steps as given below to disable notification with Parallels : Click on Apple Logo --> System Preferences -->...
Hello DeanC1, Please follow the steps as suggested in the knowledge base article and check with the issue. If the...