Separate names with a comma.
nothing untoward on start up but takes an age to fire up also programs now take longer to load very frustrating . Also i use sage i have noticed...
i have to agree with Ranc i have a fusion drive on a 2016 iMac with 24gb internal memory . The time taken in starting windows 10 and running...
i have the same problem but on checking usb 3 was already unchecked
Ive tried this I'm afraid still not working
Help have this annoying problem running parallels 12 on i mac running sierra. the virtual machine is windows 10. when using programs like sage...
I'm posting this again in the hope someone might have any ideas Help have this annoying problem running parallels 12 on i mac running sierra. the...
yes i have same results very strange
yes it is the latest update i have done all these things , but if i toggle f6 say 3 times it stops working. Also did you see my other post which...
thanks i guessed as much+
yep no change
Help i have a second F6 problem toggling between parallels 12 virtual machine windows 10 and i mac sierra . after a few f6 toggles fine but then...
Great have now been greeted by the BSOD I fear a reset is imminent
Further update on my situation. i have had to copy files across between temp user account to main account 5 times now, with the system becoming...
thanks chris works fine
sorry chris hit send to early do not think there is a connection with your last up date it seems to me to much of an coincidence to occur on two...
thanks chris will do
Hi i ve just completed the latest update Version 11.1.3 (32521) i have had windows 10 running fine on iMac and macbook pro i first noticed my iMac...
hi i wonder if any one can help I'm running windows 64 using parallels 9 on a iMac running maverick . I'm installing some business software which...