Separate names with a comma.
For those of us without Vista and using XP, should we reinstall the drivers with the new 1.2 versions. I've noticed a bit of flakiness with the...
Is anyone in the UK using this service by Sky TV? It is a PC only service that allows you to download movies from their database using a legal...
In Safari try stopping then restaring the download until it finishes. Took a few goes but got there in the end.
Are there plans to implement Bluetooth in the final version? I have an XP only upgrade for my hands free car kit tha needs a laptop with...
Thank you Nadine, I have now done that and await their reply. John
A good way to do this is if the download stops or slows to a crawl in Safari, click Stop Downloading and then momentarily start it again. The...
Ok I did that now, thank you. One more thing. I already purchased Parallels Mac Desktop using my old email address. When the time comes. How will...
Sorry to be dense, Andrew, but where do I do that? John
I have recently changed my email address and no longer have access to the mail that was in my earlier account. I need to change the address that...
Yes but there is no way to change your email address on the registration page and I no longer have access to my old registered email address. So...
I have sent this to Support but am hoping someone here may be able to help as well. There doesn't appear to be anywhere to register a new email...
I'm confused as to whether Bluetooth works yet with Parallels. I see some reports of bluetooth keyboards and mice working but can't find any...
I may have missed this somewhere but how do I get bluetooth working in the RC? I can't see a way of adding it as an adaptor in the Configuration...
Hi Andrew, I noticed today that the link to the Forum from the Parallels main page that was formerly under the Support button is no longer...
I have a Disgo Lite 1Gb Drive which unfortunately freezes XP after a few moments at this time. If I remove the drive, XP recovers after a few...
I have had limited success mounting my Disgo 1Gb pen drive. Most times it is recognised and then XP freezes with a recurring sound. If I unplug...