Separate names with a comma.
I expect Parallels developers were rubbing their hands if they listened to WWDC regarding macOS. That will be another Parallels upgrade everyone...
I too am fed up with the constant need to upgrade this type of software. Acronis are another company (appears to have some connection with...
So the issues mentioned in the email only apply to Coherence mode then - thanks for the heads up. I don't think I've ever used Coherence mode in...
I purchased PD10 shortly after release in 2014. I was under the impression that Parallels supported their product for 2 years from release. The...
I don't recall I mentioned updating via USB - I updated via ethernet download once I uninstalled PT - flawless install and no issues since.
Did you uninstall Parallels tools before you started? The upgrade process runs more reliably when tools are uninstalled. Scrap the aborted...
I see no reason to go back as Windows 10 really looks like a worthy successor to Windows 7 and 8.1 I have in fact already deleted my Windows .Old...
So if the information provided is correct then the ad is very misleading and that's putting it mildly. Well you know what they say about if a...
My email is stating 'upgrade to the Pro version at no extra cost over standard product'. What I am wary of with this offer is subsequent years...
Add or remove programmes in control panel.
I have never had an issue with a clone - it's what it says, an exact replica, it can't link to anything as it's a standalone file. Have you tried...
I too think the new update regime is somewhat bizarre. I preferred the 'updates are ready to install' message in previous Windows iterations. At...
Having had a couple of failures I followed what others have been doing with Parallels i.e. uninstalled Parallel Tools first. Then I went to the...
Although I like many other posters have had difficulties upgrading to Windows 10 I did eventually get around the problem by uninstalling Parallels...
What you need to do is think of the Mac and the VM as two separate machines for security purposes, so yes run the AV on both. If you notice a...
Thanks for the info - I new it had to be something obvious - a case of not being able to see the wood for the trees.
Lots of users get confused over CPU allocation. You have to suspend logic in thinking that giving the VM more CPU's will result in better...
I have Parallels 10 and for the life of me I do not know how to find the build/version number. It used to be to click on 'about Parallels' in the...
Thanks for that. I have always used the Windows start button but someone started me thinking a while ago by saying you should use the Parallels...
Is there only me that shuts Windows down then?