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xnetdude, if you have the dmg file of the previous release, it's easy to revert back. You can start the installer app, say to all selection...
I have the same problem on a normal non-retina MacBook Pro 2011 with OSX 10.8.4 and a Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse connected to the MacBook with...
Is there any news in the meanwhile???
Is there any news about this performance problem? It would be nice, if someone from Parallels have any suggestions about it. Because it is not...
I did a test with new version 8.0.18314.813278 and the performance is same low. The whole system (I mean OSX) hangs regardless what OS I'm...
If you have registered your PD7 on and have an account, you just have to go to "Download"->"Parallels Desktop 8 .." on
Similar problem on an MBP 15" (early 2011) I'm using OSX 10.8.2. I wanted only to test Parallels Desktop 8 (PD8). Installed it deinstalling PD7....
@diwa you need to use the console to install Parallel Tools. There's no setup.exe like in Windows. ;) I have the same issues. I have Parallels...
Hello! I have currently only a version of Parallels with 14-days-testkey activated. I have bought Parallels Desktop and it will ship in a few...