HELP PLEASE - Cannot get Shared Networking to work!!!

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Robster, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. Robster

    Robster Hunter

    Hi All

    I normally use Parallels on Bridged networking but I have an important meeting tomorrow where I will have to use my 3G dial up modem and Shared Networking.

    My Mac is dialling the 3G network and connecting fine but I don't seem to have any connectivity from the XP VM.

    Please ANY IDEAS??????

    My boss is over and I don't want him to see ANY limitations in me using a Mac or I might be forced to go the PC route!!!!!!!!!!!!


    FYI I am running 5582 of Parallels with and XP2 fully updated VM
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2008

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Robster, I also am having the same issue -- Shared Networking has simply stopped working with 5584 (I rolled back to 5582 and now get the same issue). Others have indicated the same issue here in this post:

    If I hear anything today, I will post here.
  3. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    Many thank s for your response.

    I do have a fallback of using my VMware image in which Shared Networking DOES work!

  4. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    could you please answer the following questions:
    1) Have you ever changed the type of connection?
    2) Do you have a static or a dynamic IP?
    3) Do you have to pass authorization when connecting to Internet?
    4) Please tell me if you have Keyspan programs installed on Mac.
    5) Please describe me your antivirus protection in VM.
    6) Do you have Firewall enabled on Mac and Windows sides?
    7) Do you have VPN?

    And for now, please, try to disable ALL Firewalls and antiviruses you have.
    If you get network connection now, change Firewalls and antiviruses settings (ask the corresponding support services).
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2008
  5. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    Answers to questions:-

    1. Yes but several versions ago, I normally used Bridged but have used shared in the past.

    2. Dynamic.

    3. No.

    4. No.

    5. I am running AVG suite (Firewall and anti virus) in XP and Intego anti virus only on Mac.


    8. Yes to both, standard Mac firewall and AVG on XP.

    9. Yes but not running on either.


  6. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team

    Hello, Robin,

    I'm sorry for the delay.

    Please, try to disable ALL Firewalls and antiviruses you have.

    If you get network connection now, change Firewalls and antiviruses settings (ask the corresponding support services).
  7. Don Sullivan

    Don Sullivan Member

    For me it works consistently with Vista but once I update XP to the latest edition of Parallels tools, the XP VM will not connect to the network. It's getting kind of annoying since I hate Vista but it's all that will work reliably.
  8. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    donsullivan, could you please answer these questions:

    1) What type of network connection are you using? Are all networks settings ok?
    2) Have you ever changed the type of connection?
    3) Do you have a static or a dynamic IP?
    4) Does your HostOS have a connection?
    5) Do you have to pass authorization when connecting to Internet?
    6) Please tell me if you have Keyspan programs installed on Mac.
    7) Please describe me your antivirus protection in VM.
    8) Do you have Firewall enabled on Mac and Windows sides?
    9) Do you have VPN?
  9. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    So if I get you right you want me to turn off my Mac AND Windows Firewalls!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not sure how comfortable I am doing that.

    NEVER used to have this problem and always had AVG installed and always had the standard Mac Firewall enabled.

    Why should things be different now and in particular why ONLY when using shared networking?

  10. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    the settings of firewall protection depend on different parameters and can be changed by even a slight modofication.

    To test if the connection issue is caused by firewall it is necessary to shut it down temporarily and check.
  11. Don Sullivan

    Don Sullivan Member

    I occasionally use the Cisco VPN client but it is not open, nor does it have an open connection when this condition occurs.

    See above for answers:
  12. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    donsullivan, have you tried to disable firewalls and antivirus protection and checked if the connection exists?

    Let's try to set a Shared Networking. Please, check if IP address is delivered to VM:

    a) On Windows side open Start menu, choose Run, type CMD, press Enter; in the CMD window run ipconfig /all command;

    b) On Mac side open Terminal and run ifconfig command.

    c) Make sure that in ifconfig and ipconfig /all inet and IP address parameters are the same in the first 3 segments of the address. For Host-only networking check inet parameter in en2 section, and for Shared network in en3 section.

    If IP address is correct but you do not have network connection, check Parallels NAT port status in Mac System Preferences -> Network. You should restart Parallels NAT:

    1. Open Mac OS System Preferences and choose Network.
    2. Choose Parallels NAT from the Show menu. In Configure IP field set Off and press Apply button. Then set Using DHCP in Configure IP field and press Apply button again.
    3. Choose Parallels Host-Guest from the Show menu. In Configure IP field set Off and press Apply button. Then set Using DHCP in Configure IP field and press Apply button again. If this does not help, reinstall Parallels.

    From Windows side try to ping <server name> or ping, then ping IP. Copy the IP from Mac System Preferences -> Network -> Ethernet -> Router.

    Please, write me back about the results.

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