5584: Disk image won't mount

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by swilcox, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. swilcox

    swilcox Bit poster

    Lots of reports of this on MacUpdate and VersionTracker, and I have the same problem. I've downloaded the updater twice, both times the disk image fails to mount.
  2. Khoji

    Khoji Member

    Same here, image won't mount. I think I'm going to wait a few days anway and see what the first reports are like...
  3. verbal_kint

    verbal_kint Bit poster

    try in this way

    I had the same problem using autoupdate while parallels was running. I installed perfectly downloading from here.

    Hy from Roberto
  4. chicago63

    chicago63 Junior Member

    I also downloaded from that link, too. I had Parallels open and tried it with the desktop updater and it said I'm on the current version.

    So I downloaded it from the link and with Parallels closed, installed it. Booted XP into safe mode to install the Parallels Tools, restarted XP and it works fine AND the Parallels disk image mounted on the Mac desktop.
  5. peterlemer

    peterlemer Hunter

    Thanks Roberto :)

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2008
  6. mrfearless47

    mrfearless47 Member

    5582 wouldn't load my previous XP or Ubuntu disk images. Would completely hang and eventually crash. I downgraded to 5570 and have been using without difficulty. When 5584 came out, I upgraded and the same issues. Unable to load the disk images. Can't get to safe mode because XP won't load at all. Ditto for Ubuntu 7.0.4. This is on a Mac Pro with 8 GB RAM. I haven't delved deeply into the manual yet. Any command line ways of mounting a Parallels disk image or do all go through the GUI?
  7. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    mrfearless47, did you use auto-update or download the .dmg file manually?
  8. richgriff@mac.com

    [email protected] Bit poster


    I have gone through several horrific days of crashes since I pushed the button to do an auto download of 5584. I finally restored back the entire system a few days to 5582. One of the problems that surfaced on my dumps was the audio driver. If I ever try to update again (and I probably will never do so), I would disconnect the configuration for the audio driver. Another comment that came my way from the tech support team is to keep the RAM low (500 or so). I also have the Mac Book Pro with 8GB RAM.
  9. arnoud

    arnoud Junior Member

    I have tried downloading the 5584 update using the auto-update three times this evening, and everytime I ended up with a disk image on my desktop that would not mount. I get the following error:

    The following images failed to mount:
    Parallels-Desktop-5584-Mac-en.dmg -- not recognized

    I downloaded the update manually off this site, and had no problems mounting it.

    The auto-update-downloaded image is 92.397.568 bytes in size, the (working) website download is 92.399.578 bytes in size.
  10. cope23@msn.com

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Same here

    I have tried over 5 times the last couple of days... When I check for updates in Parallels, it finds an update, downloads it, and asks if I want to install... I click yes, and .... nothing. Then I tried to mount the downloaded dmg and get a message telling me the image is invalid... ????
  11. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    cope23, please, try to download the .dmg file manually.

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