Parallels Client on Android - MDM deployment - Parameters injection

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Android' started by YannM, Jan 12, 2025.

  1. YannM

    YannM Bit poster

    We are using a MDM solution (SOTI) in order to deploy the Parallels client on all the devices.
    We have no problems with the installation of the APK itself but we would like to inject automatically the parameters itself (including the password if possible).
    We have defined a X2C file but the application is not authorized to access the file (and we didn't find any parameters to authorize such access for the application).
    Here is our postinstall code:
    ;; program executed with XML flow and variables
    sendintent -a "intent:#Intent;action=android.intent.action.MAIN;component=fr.solutys.filesettings/.MainActivity;S.LoginProginov=%CustomAttr:LoginProginov%;S.NomTerminal=%CustomAttr:NomTerminal%;S.file-modify=/sdcard/solutys/servers.2xc;end;"
    sendintent -a "intent:file:///sdcard/solutys/servers.2xc#Intent;type=application/2xc;action=android.intent.action.VIEW;launchFlags=0x10000000;end"​
    We also tried to copy the X2C file in the "data" folder without success:
    copy %sdcard%/Download/servers.2xc %sdcard%/Android/data/com.parallels.client/files/Parallels Client/servers.2xc​
    Can anyone help?
    Thanks in advance.
    M1-K3 likes this.
  2. YannM

    YannM Bit poster

    I precise the version of Android is 11 and there is no authorization to access the \Android\data\* folders.
  3. M1-K3

    M1-K3 Bit poster

    Hi, I have two questions:

    1. what is fr.solutys.filesettings you are using in the first intent?
    2. what other settings appart from login are you using in the .2xc file?

    Personally I found best solution to use Parallels uri to start remote session with login and password embedded directly from MobiControl Lockdown and if there are any other settings I had to import them from file manually once on each device from Android 11+ onwards. So I'm personally also curious if anyone could help.
  4. YannM

    YannM Bit poster

    I managed to automate the installation using a server.x2c file copied on the device and a button to import the config via this command:
    sendintent -a "intent:#Intent;action=android.intent.action.MAIN;component=fr.solutys.filesettings/.MainActivity;S.Login=%CustomAttr:Login%;S.NomTerminal=%CustomAttr:NomTerminal%;S.file-modify=%sdcard%/solutys/servers.2xc;end;"

    In the x2c file, we have the broker, the server, the resolution...

    At the moment, we have 2 issues:
    - tactile (mouse) issue: we were obliged to press the screen and not to just touch it
    - we have to remove the right tool bar manually using the parameters of the Android app


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