ParallelsMD.mdimporter Malware warning in MACOS 10.15.6

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by patb2, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. patb2

    patb2 Bit poster

    I recently upgraded from 10.13.6 to 10.15.6 and now I get a routine malware warning on "
    ParallelsMD.mdimporter" in the spotlight Library.

    Has anyone seen this problem or know what's going on?
  2. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hello patb2, Please provide the screenshot of the error message you are getting. Thanks.
  3. MartinP16

    MartinP16 Bit poster

    Has anyone ever found an answer to this? I just upgraded from an old Macbook Pro (2012) to a new 2023 MBP with Apple M3 Processor and Sonoma OS, and didn't see it for the first couple days after transitioning things over. Now it pops up occasionally (haven't correlated to anything yet) and always pops up a second time after acknowledging.
  4. MartinP16

    MartinP16 Bit poster

    Screenshot of error message:

    Attached Files:

  5. Nischay Gaya

    Nischay Gaya Parallels Support

    Hello @MartinP16,
    Thank you for sharing the related screenshot.
    We are following up via support ticket number: 4****98 ;
    Kindly check your inbox.
  6. JosephT15

    JosephT15 Bit poster

    Can you please share the answer with the rest of us? I'm getting this too - on a Intel MacBook Air running Sequoia 15.3 and Parallels was uninstalled form the machine a long time ago.
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  7. Ashley Chumun

    Ashley Chumun Staff Member

    Hello @JosephT15
    Thank you for your feedback.
    Please note that the file is not malicious but it is an old component of Parallels from a past version and is no longer in use. You can delete it safely.
    Kindly follow the below steps as a possible solution:
    1. Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and execute the following command:
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Spotlight/ParallelsMD.mdimporter
    (You will need to enter your Mac password to run the command. No symbols will be shown due to security measures, so just hit the keys and use Return/Enter.)
    2. Restart the Mac.
    The error message problem is solved by removing the ParallelsMD.mdimporter file from the directory it is in. This is how the issue is usually solved, but the file is not a malware.
    JosephT15 likes this.
  8. MatthewR20

    MatthewR20 Most valuable person

    Why does macOS think that it is malware?
  9. JosephT15

    JosephT15 Bit poster

    It doesn't say. It just says "malware blocked". Might be because I'm running Sequoia and this was from Parallels 17 which was uninstalled, but left this spotlight support software in place.

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