about EnabledMode and Enabled property of PubRDSApp

Discussion in 'PowerShell API' started by alext7, Feb 6, 2025.

  1. alext7

    alext7 Bit poster

    I'm writing a powershell script to query the "enabled" status of each published application using command "Get-RASPubRDSApp |select-object name, enabled".

    If there is folder structure, the "enabled" status of icon may be incorrect.
    e.g. If I have a "FolderA" in which there are App1 and App2, in case we have disable App1 and App2 by disabling "FolderA" (it will inherit to App1 and App2), the command above will still return "Enabled=true". From "parallels remote application server console", they should be in "Disabled" status.
    How can I get the status of the application correctly?

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